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Bigorexia is a term coined by body-building men in the seventies and is widely used today.  


Bigorexia is often described as the reverse of Anorexia Nervosa.  Instead of looking in a mirror and seeing themselves as fat, men see a puny shape – even if they appear well built to others. This distorted image means that they are obsessed with becoming muscular and are never happy, whatever size they achieve.


Their preoccupation with muscle results in compulsive exercise and weight training, even when they are injured. They may sacrifice social events and relationships, work responsibilities and family life to complete a rigid exercise regime. Some men may resort to using illegal steroids or other muscle building medications or products, even though they may be fully aware of the dangerous potential consequences. This behaviour is a result of low self esteem and lack of confidence which is partly fostered by the media and magazines promoting the percieved perfect image.

Bigorexia is a term coined by body-building men in the seventies and is widely used today.  


Bigorexia is often described as the reverse of Anorexia Nervosa.  Instead of looking in a mirror and seeing themselves as fat, men see a puny shape – even if they appear well built to others. This distorted image means that they are obsessed with becoming muscular and are never happy, whatever size they achieve.


Their preoccupation with muscle results in compulsive exercise and weight training, even when they are injured. They may sacrifice social events and relationships, work responsibilities and family life to complete a rigid exercise regime. Some men may resort to using illegal steroids or other muscle building medications or products, even though they may be fully aware of the dangerous potential consequences. This behaviour is a result of low self esteem and lack of confidence which is partly fostered by the media and magazines promoting the percieved perfect image.

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