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 Exercise Disorders 



Going to the gym most days is a good thing, but training hard to the point of excess can cause a multitude of different health problems. In effect, Compulsive Exercise Disorder can lead to similar problems seen in Anorexia Nervosa. If someone is anorexic or bulimic and is using compulsive exercise as a way of  compensating for their behaviours this is using up essential calories, which are needed to carry out the simplest functions – even sleeping. When the body is exhausted of calories this can dramatically slow down the systems in the body.

Going to the gym most days is a good thing, but training hard to the point of excess can cause a multitude of different health problems. In effect, Compulsive Exercise Disorder can lead to similar problems seen in Anorexia Nervosa. If someone is anorexic or bulimic and is using compulsive exercise as a way of  compensating for their behaviours this is using up essential calories, which are needed to carry out the simplest functions – even sleeping. When the body is exhausted of calories this can dramatically slow down the systems in the body.

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