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Skipping meals in order to save calories to drink alcohol is becoming worryingly popular among young adults particularly those at university and college.   A Drunkorexic is someone who skips meals so they can binge drink without putting on weight.  This is not like Anorexia Nervosa.  The sufferer in this case knowingly cuts their intake of calories.


It may be that the sufferer has lack of funds for a night out and the choice between food and alcohol is to be made.  The sufferer will usually opt for alcohol in place of food.


Pasta or a case of beer? A healthy meal or glass of wine? These are the kind of questions a drunkorexic considers come Friday night. They’ll normally opt for the liquid option.  Drunkorexia is a term  which can be traced back to the cocktail bars of New York.

Skipping meals in order to save calories to drink alcohol is becoming worryingly popular among young adults particularly those at university and college.   A Drunkorexic is someone who skips meals so they can binge drink without putting on weight.  This is not like Anorexia Nervosa.  The sufferer in this case knowingly cuts their intake of calories.


It may be that the sufferer has lack of funds for a night out and the choice between food and alcohol is to be made.  The sufferer will usually opt for alcohol in place of food.


Pasta or a case of beer? A healthy meal or glass of wine? These are the kind of questions a drunkorexic considers come Friday night. They’ll normally opt for the liquid option.  Drunkorexia is a term  which can be traced back to the cocktail bars of New York.

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